Finally: English interface

Finally: English interface

Finally: English interface

After so many requests from non-Dutch fans we have added an English interface to Just click the flag at the upper right side of the homepage and switch to English. Ok, it’s a start! A totally translated website is in the making but at least for now the payment proces is in English so nothing keeps you from watching the great Kim Holland Porn videos on her own official website! For now use Google translate to translate movie descriptions.

Welcome to the best quality Dutch porn in 4K!

From next month we will be streaming the Kim Holland porn movies in blistering 4K (as long as your connection is up to the job), so you can even watch our movies on tv as if you are watching Netflix. In absolute top quality. Dutch porn is realistic, with many amateurs and with a great feel. Not just girls taking the best positions for the shots, but with real fun and emotion. Girls who get real orgasms and who are not screaming like hell but only do as if…

Hang on!

Kim Holland brings you three new productions a week, throughout the whole year, so stick with Kim Holland and subscribe to the newsletter to keep informed. Also: follow Kim Holland on Twitter: @kimhollandxx so you will never miss out on any new film publication.

Welcome to the Dutch pornworld of Kim Holland…… in English

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